JAMA Connects Over Coffee with WiOPS!

JAMA Connects Over Coffee with WiOPS!

At this week’s Coffee and Conversations hosted by WiOPS: Women in Construction Operations, JAMA connected with the best and brightest in our industry to network and collaborate over coffee with some awesome foam art! WiOPS encourages collaboration and mentorship...
Sanjana Passes her PE Exam!

Sanjana Passes her PE Exam!

JAMA is proud to announce that our very own Sanjana Paraz has received her PE license! Sanjana started with JAMA as an intern and continued on past that internship to join us as a designer. She has gone on to do amazing things, providing engineering design solutions...
ACE Mentorship Final Presentations!

ACE Mentorship Final Presentations!

Last month, the students at ACE Mentor Los Angeles/Orange County impressed us all in presenting their designs and models, the product of months of hard work! We’re especially proud of our John Marshall High School students who sold us an incredible pitch for their...